Well, I don't know what they put in the I.V., but I felt like a new woman after about 20 minutes of the I.V. My stomach had been in a constant state of cramp, and let me tell you that is the most painfull thing I have ever felt. I honestly thought I caught the plague and was on my death bed! Fortunately Scott and I were able to stop by the church built when the plague has passed on and Thank her for our good health. It is a strange experience being in a foreign country's hospital where they are looking at you and poking here and there and then &*^*&;^%^%$#% &$$%##$%^&*, or that was about what I understood of what they were saying. Makes you wonder if you are going to live or not!
So after being in
Everything is under renovation in Venice. You see crain's and scaffolding everywhere. It seems the government of Italy has deemed the city important enough to preserve and protect, so they are spending lots of money!!!
My favorite moments on the island were the gondola ride with Scott at night. It was so peaceful to be on the canal's at night. You get an entirely different perspective of the city and it is very romantic. Prrrrrr Me Amore... It was as if Scott and I were the only two people on the island... well and the gondoleer. My other favorite moment was on the Island of Murano. I always thought Murano was a famous glass worker and was curious how he did so much work... It turns out the glass just comes from the island. I was in awe looking every direction. We were able to see a glass worker do his magic in a 1000 degree hot room (I may be exagerating, but it was HOT). I have no idea how these artist's stand the heat, they must LOVE their work. My favorite works were those with a Picasso touch, there were many. And the chandeliers... they were so beautiful, I wanted to buy one, but it would look funny over our wooden square table in the Townhouse. ;) maybe next time.
The island of Murano is just as beautiful as the rest of Venice, it is just at a much slower pace and more peaceful. I really enjoyed the quiet, in fact, this could have been my "heaven on earth". I am not so sure Scott would agree, if I took him into one more glass store I think he was going to strangle me! ;) It is our intention to return to Venice one day, although we have said this about every stop thus far. Hopefully next time our health will be better so that we can explore all its potential.
As for the World Cup, it was pretty crazy that in every store and every restaurant, the game was either turned on or being listened to by radio. We were eating when Italy scored there first goal, and we knew it because a cheer came from every direction and every boat honked its horn.
Luckily, the Venicians party until about 2:00am and then keep it down. I did see some shops were closed the next day with a sign saying, "Partied too hard after the game. See you tomorrow." You gotta love the Italian way of pleasure before business!
Next Stop, Florence. But Until then, here is a candid pic of Lisa and I in San Marco Square.

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